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3 septiembre 2012

Listado de juegos de Ps 1 compatibles con Ps Vita

Juegos de PS 1 en Ps Vita

Con la actualización de Firmware 1.80 la PS Vita obtiene la compatibilidad con juegos de Playstation 1. Si tienes alguno en tu historial de descargas, no hace falta que lo vuelvas a comprar, con que lo vuelvas a descargar en tu PS Vita es suficiente.

Hay un total de 129 juegos compatibles. Esta es la lista completa:

  1. 40 Wink
  2. A Bug’s Life.
  3. A Bugs Life y Monsters Inc bundle
  4. Abe’s Exoddus
  5. Abe’s Oddworld Oddysee
  6. Airboat
  7. Alundra
  8. All-Star Boxing
  9. Arc Arena: Monster Tournament
  10. Arc the Lad
  11. Arc the Lad II
  12. Arc the Lad III
  13. Arcade Hits: Shienryu
  14. Arcade Hits: Sonic Wings Special
  15. Atari Anniversary Edition
  16. Atlantis
  17. Atlantis and Hercules Bundle
  18. Bishi Bashi Special
  19. Blockids
  20. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  21. Bugriders
  22. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
  23. Centipede
  24. Cho Aniki
  25. Constructor
  26. Cool Boarders
  27. Cool Boarders 2
  28. Crash Bandicoot
  29. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
  30. Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped
  31. Critical Depth
  32. CTR: Crash Team Racing
  33. Destruction Derby
  34. Dezaemon Plus
  35. Disney’s Action Game ft. Hercules
  36. Dodgeball
  37. Driver
  38. Eagle One: Harrier Attack
  39. Everybody’s Golf 2
  40. Fear Effect
  41. Fear Effect: Retro Helix
  42. Fighting Force
  43. Fighting Force 2
  44. Final Fantasy VIII
  45. Final Fantasy IX
  46. Final Fantasy V
  47. Final Fantasy VI
  48. Final Fantasy VII
  49. Front Mission 3
  50. G-Police
  51. Gaiaseed
  52. Galaxy Fight
  53. Gex
  54. Gex 3: Deep Under Cover
  55. Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko
  56. Grandia
  57. Gubble
  58. Guilty Gear
  59. Gunship
  60. Hardcore 4X4
  61. International Track & Field
  62. Jet Rider
  63. Jet Rider 2
  64. Jigsaw Madness
  65. Judge Dredd
  66. Jumping Flash
  67. Junior League Soccer
  68. Kula World
  69. Kurushi Final
  70. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  71. Lilo & Stitch
  72. Little Mermaid 2
  73. Little Mermaid 2 y Winnie The Pooh bundle
  74. MediEvil
  75. Metal Gear Solid
  76. Mickey’s Wild Adventure
  77. Miracle Quad Racer
  78. Miracle Space Race
  79. Missile Command
  80. Monsters Inc
  81. Motorhead
  82. Motor Toon Grand Prix 2
  83. N20
  84. Namco Heritage bundle
  85. Pandemonium
  86. Pandemonium 2
  87. Parasite Eve 2
  88. Peter Pan
  89. Pong
  90. Pooh’s Party Game
  91. Rageball
  92. Rainbow Six
  93. Rally Cross
  94. Rascal Racers
  95. Rayman
  96. Rayman 2: The Great Escape
  97. Reel Fishing
  98. Re-loaded
  99. Resident Evil 2
  100. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
  101. Resident Evil: Director’s Cut
  102. Ridge Racer Type 4
  103. Sheep
  104. Silent Hill
  105. Snowboard Racer
  106. Sorcerer’s Maze
  107. Spin Jam
  108. Sports Superbike
  109. Streak
  110. Street Fighter 2 Alpha
  111. Super Star Dance Club
  112. Syphon Filter
  113. Syphon Filter 3
  114. Tarzan
  115. Tekken
  116. Tekken 2
  117. Tomb Raider
  118. Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
  119. Tomb Raider Chronicles
  120. Tomb Raider 2
  121. Tomb Raider 3
  122. Toy Story 2
  123. Toy Story Racer
  124. Toy Story Racer y Toy Story 2: Woody and Buzz bundle
  125. Twisted Metal
  126. Urban Chaos
  127. Vagrant Story
  128. Wild Arms
  129. WipEout
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